Automobile (Car) Elevators EVA 400 Series

At Evantlis we understand how important reliability is as we have life long experience in installing and working with different types of car lifts.

We have excellent relations with high quality suppliers in Europe, both for Hydraulic Kits (Morris Italy) and MRL Traction Machines (Montanari Italy). This brings us into a unique position in the market, enabling us to provide the solution that best suits every project, and provide the car lift solution best suited for your project. and Developers the Evantlis Passenger Elevator range is very popular as a versatile design which can be incorporated easily into New and Existing buildings.

Car lifts operates in the same way as a normal passenger lifts, however instead of transporting only you, a car lift transports you and your car to your designated floor in a multi storey car park. The operation of accessing the lift can be carried out by a standard call station system or by utilising the RFID Access control technology. Thus, you do not have move from your car until you reach your car space.

Types of car lifts we offer:

EVA 400 Hyd - Hydraulic
EVA 400 MR - Traction with Machine room above lift hoist way
EVA 400 MRL - Traction with no Machine room required

Hydraulic car lifts provide spatial benefits as the shaft size required is smaller than traction lifts.

However, Hydraulic car lifts do operate at a slower speed (standard 0.30m/s to 0.50m/s) and generally are more suitable for car lift installations with a lower number of stops served.

Traction car lifts use a traction machine and can reach higher speeds (1.0m/s) and are more energy efficient relative to their performance compared to hydraulic car lifts.

MRL gearless traction car lifts use a traction machine mounted inside the lift shaft removing the need for a separate machine room, thus saving valuable space.

EVA 400 Hyd Hydraulic Car lifts

3000 kg Rated load

0.5 m/s Max speed

9 Max stops

24m Max travel

Machine Room
Load (Kg) Car Width Car Depth Hoistway Width Hoistway Depth Opening Pit Overhead Width Depth
2500 2000 5250 3000 6000 2000 1500 3800 3000 3000
2100 5250 310 6000 2100 1500 3800 3000 3000
2200 5250 3200 6000 2200 1500 3800 3000 3000
2300 5250 3400 6000 2300 1500 3800 3000 3000
3000 2400 5450 3500 6200 2400 1500 3800 3000 3000
2500 5450 3600 6200 2500 1500 3800 3000 3000

EVA 400 MR - Traction with Machine room above lift hoist way

3000 kg Rated load

1 m/s Max speed

21 Max stops

60m Max travel

Machine Room
Load (Kg) Car Width Car Depth Hoistway Width Hoistway Depth Opening Pit Overhead Width Depth
2000 5266 3000 6000 2000 1500 4250 3000 6000
2100 5266 3150 6000 2100 1500 4250 3150 6000
2500 2200 5266 3250 6000 2200 1500 4250 3250 6000
2300 5266 3350 6000 2300 1500 4250 3350 6000
3000 2400 5466 3450 6200 2400 1500 4250 3450 6000
2500 5466 3600 6200 2500 1500 4250 3600 6000

EVA 400 MRL - Traction with Machine room above lift hoist way

3000 kg Rated load

1m/s Max speed

21 Max stops

60m Max travel

Load (Kg) Car Width Car Depth Shaft Width Shaft Depth Opening Pit Overhead
2500 2000 5266 3200 6000 2000 1800 5000
2100 5266 3350 6000 2100 1800 5000
2200 5266 3450 6000 2200 1800 5000
2300 5266 3600 6000 2300 1800 5000
3000 2400 5466 3700 6200 2400 1800 5000
2500 5466 3800 6200 2500 1800 5000
3500 2600 5766 4000 6500 2600 1800 5000
2800 5966 4200 6700 2800 1800 5000

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